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SUNY GCC - lol电竞菠菜

成功的人力服务员工来自不同的背景和各行各业. The Human Services program students at GCC include individuals of traditional college age as well as a growing number of individuals choosing to make this field their second career.

通过海湾合作委员会的人类服务项目, you will understand the techniques for the care and assistance you already love to give others, 并最终将这种品质转化为职业.


Paraprofessionals (assistants or aides), who have their associates degree, work with:

  • Children
  • Youth
  • 特殊需要人士
  • Older adults

Typically, a paraprofessional has direct contact with clients or children and works with the guidance of a human services professional/teacher to:

  • Provide care
  • Set goals
  • Follow treatment
  • 评估个人的进步


Our human services program includes a variety of degrees and certificates geared toward your needs and interests:


These programs offer strong foundations for anyone interested in the human services field. The A.S. program offers a wider range of liberal arts courses useful to students wishing to transfer to baccalaureate degree programs, while the A.A.S. program concentrates on courses most useful to students wishing to seek employment immediately after graduation. However, your choice of degree depends on your unique needs; we are here to help you select the degree program that’s right for you.


This program offers an outstanding foundation for students interested in pursuing careers in alcohol or substance abuse services. This program is especially designed for students wishing to pursue baccalaureate degrees in this field.

Certificate Programs

We offer four certificate programs in fields of special interest to Genesee students.

  • The 幼儿护理证书 准备学生在教育或机构设置与学龄前儿童的工作.
  • The 老年学证书 is ideal for students who wish to work with senior adults in health care facilities or agencies.
  • The 发育障碍研究证书 为学生在日间治疗项目中提供直接护理做好准备, community residences, 以及其他组织.
  • The 聋人研究证书 prepares students to have facilitated, basic communication with people with hearing problems.

All programs include outstanding human services courses combining theory and application, 以及交流, psychology, human relations, and other coursework that assists you in becoming a well-rounded human services employee. 我们的教职员工都是优秀的教师、导师和顾问. 他们以他们的课堂技巧而闻名, 一对一关注学生, 在公共服务领域有丰富的经验.

你可以在两年的全日制学习中完成学位课程, 或者更长时间的兼职学习. 你可以在一年的全日制学习中完成证书课程, 或者更长时间的兼职学习. Credits you earn toward certificates are fully transferable to a human services degree program.

如果你想获得学士学位的话, 毕业后你会发现有很多项目可供选择. Baccalaureate programs in social work or human services are the most popular among our graduates. 这些课程位于布罗克波特的纽约州立大学学院, Buffalo State College, 罗伯茨卫斯理学院, among other colleges.



This Program is designed to prepare for bachelor level Social Work or Human Services related programs, 民政事务助理秘书长:

  • 在许多课程领域建立知识和技能的基础
  • Matches general education course requirements at transfer institutions ( providing students follow guidelines for suggested courses)
  • Offers the opportunity to learn theories and skills for working with specific population groups (early childhood, older adult, 发育性残疾, 酗酒和吸毒)
  • 为学生提供两个学期的实习经历


This Program is designed for students seeking employment immediately upon graduation. Emphasis is placed on courses which enable the student to gain theoretical knowledge important for working in human services and to apply concepts to specialized populations of their interest. 通过选择特定的选修课,学生可以专注于:

  • Child Care
  • Community services
  • 发育障碍
  • Substance abuse
  • Gerontology

In addition, 一年制幼儿护理证书, Gerontology or Developmental Disabilities can be taken at the same time as the AAS in Human Services (with careful attention to electives).

经验在课程中起主要作用, as each student takes two courses of fieldwork under the supervision of an outside agency and the Genesee Community College course instructor. 在这些实习期间, 学生直接应用概念, 在课程中学到的知识和技能.


Genesee’s Human Services program offers a rich variety of student internship opportunities. As a student, you will participate in one or two real-life, semester-long work experiences. The objective: to give you the opportunity to practice your human services skills with agency clients under the supervision of agency staff, 并与你们的公共服务部门协调.

We offer internships at dozens of different human services agencies across Western New York, 几乎涵盖了所有形式的服务. 作为每次实习的一部分, you will participate in weekly seminars that help you combine classroom theory with skill development.

These unique internships give you the opportunity to develop the helping skills you will need to serve as a contributing member of an agency or prepare you to transfer to a baccalaureate degree program.

社会工作的转移技巧 & 人类服务项目

Success at a transfer baccalaureate institution requires the following skills and abilities. The Human Services Program at Genesee Community College assists you in acquiring these skills and abilities so you can successfully transfer.

  1. 批判性思维(处理信息而不仅仅是记忆)
  2. 良好的读写能力
  3. 时间管理:能应付繁重的作业
  4. 能够使用互联网检索课堂阅读资料
  5. 理解和分析专业期刊文章
  6. 能够准确、独立地完成分配和任务方向

When it comes time for you to complete your application for admission to transfer institutions be sure your materials address your thinking, 熟练的组织和写作能力. 任何文章都必须写得很好. 一定要仔细校对.

记住,任何项目的初级阶段都是要求高、强度大的. A bachelor level program in Social Work or Human Services is preparing you for employment at the professional level (supervisor, case manager, director).

Careful attention must be paid to the requirements of the intended transfer institution. Students must apply for admission into transfer programs and meet minimum entrance grade point averages. 不能保证接受. 许多大学只招收社会工作专业的学生. 在10月或11月初申请下一个秋季学期. 一些社会工作转移项目(纽约州立大学布罗克波特分校), for example) require a separate application process after admission to the bachelor level college.