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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

Theatre History 1: Greek Origins to European Renaissance

Surveys the history and development of western theatre from its Greek origins to the European Renaissance (fifteenth century) by examining the influences of architecture, politics, society, religion, and the economy in shaping theatre as an art form. Studies a variety of play genres, production practices, and theatre architecture in their historical contexts.

Subject Code: THE

Course Number: 202

Credits: 3

Lecture Hours 3

Course Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify the architectural elements of theatre in various eras (Greek, Roman, Medieval, Italian Renaissance, Elizabethan, English Restoration).
2. Describe the components of Aristotle’s overview of theatre.
3. Identify and describe the neoclassical ideals of theatre.
4. Describe the contributions of theatre practitioners (actors, directors, managers, designers).
5. Describe the contributions of playwrights recognizing their impact on western culture.
6. Describe the unique aspects of visual styles for a theatrical period (Greek, Roman, Medieval, Italian Renaissance, Elizabethan, English Restorations, or 18th century theatre).
7. Analyze the historical development of an element of theatrical productions (actors and acting practices, theatre architecture, playwriting, lighting, set design).

Effective Term: Fall 2020

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