SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

Genesee Community College is proud to announce that 劳伦·佩斯利, professor of Business, 和艾米·康利, professor of Accounting and Business, have been selected as SUNY Online Teaching Ambassadors for 2023.

劳伦·佩斯利 has been a dedicated full-time faculty member at GCC for eighteen years and has been teaching online since 2003. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Medical Technology from D’Youville College and a Master’s in Business 政府 from SUNY University of Buffalo. Her passion for learning was ignited by her mother, who made a lateral career change when Lauren was in middle school and impressed upon her young daughter that it is never too late to make a change and seize an opportunity. Lauren’s extensive experience includes coordinating the academic appeals process, active participation in SUNY Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) and SUNY’s Global Initiatives committee, and serving as advisor to GCC’s International Students Organization. She is also a recipient of the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities and the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Faculty Service.

艾米·康利 is a Certified Public Accountant and has been a full-time faculty member at GCC for fourteen years, teaching online since 2010. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from St. John Fisher College and a Master’s in Business 政府 from Rochester Institute of Technology. Her work experience includes serving as the Chief Financial Officer of a major subsidiary of a public energy company for eight years. Ms. Conley has extensive curriculum experience and has been an active participant in GCC’s Curriculum Committee for over nine years. She is also a recipient of the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.

“GCC is proud to have such outstanding faculty members as 劳伦·佩斯利 和艾米·康利. We look forward to seeing the impact they will have as SUNY Online Teaching Ambassadors in 2023. Congratulations to both of them on this well-deserved honor,” said Judith Littlejohn, GCC director of 在线学习.

As SUNY Online Teaching Ambassadors, both Ms. 佩斯利和琼斯女士. Conley will be working with faculty and staff throughout SUNY to share their expertise in teaching online and in hybrid formats. They will also be promoting the benefits of online education and sharing best practices with their colleagues.

For more information contact Vice President, Development and External Affairs Justin Johnston at (585) 345-6809, 或电邮: jmjohnston@杰纳西.edu

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A photograph of 艾米·康利 and 劳伦·佩斯利, courtesy of Genesee Community College, 可在以下网址查阅: http://marketing.hkquanwu.com/images/2023SUNYOnlineTeachingAmbassadors.jpg

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